Meatless Monday: Fry-poached egg with Pecorino and homegrown tomatoes
Monday, October 5, 2009 at 8:54PM
Kristin, the Brooklyn Forager in eggs, locavore, meatless monday

Redux. , originally uploaded by Brooklyn Forager.

I've been meaning to do more meatless monday posts, especially as it seems that I'm eating more meatless meals worth writing home about (well, you know).

This week, I was looking for a quick dinner for one with the requirement of using up a couple of small tomatoes from our last terrace crop. Having learned about fry-poaching an egg over at, I knew I had to try it.

The result was incredibly yummy and simple. To fry-poach an egg, start off your egg in a bit of oil or butter. When the white starts to firm up, throw an ice cube or a tablespoon or two of water into the pan and cover. The white steams lightly leaving a soft texture with just a hint of the fried-crunchiness that I love so much.

To put together the meal, I sliced tomatoes and layered them on a piece of warm wheat toast. I flopped the hot egg on top and smothered it with fresh black pepper and fresh-grated Pecorino Romano.

Poke the yolk so it runs, poached-style, over the sandwich and enjoy. Alongside this masterpiece of a meal for one, I sipped Vivallis Vigna Giere 2007, a Moscato Giallo with a hint of sweetness and citrus with some floral overtones. Overall, a nice pairing for a quick weeknight meal.

Article originally appeared on Brooklyn Forager (
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