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Locavore Dinner Party, Part I

DSC00792, originally uploaded by Brooklyn Forager.

My friend JK and I decided to host a dinner party celebrating the bounty of summer. While the bulk of the work would come Saturday, we got started early Friday evening with a beautiful crumble using berries handpicked at my in-laws home in Vermont.

We used a great simple recipe for Any Season Fruit Crumble from and really only tweaked it slightly. The lemons I had were on the not-so-fresh side, so we decided to use fresh orange juice instead. However, my sack of oranges turned out to be a sack of ruby red grapefruits. With no other option, we used the grapefruit juice which gave the dish a nice layer of sweet tangy freshness that I just might keep as a trick up my sleeve.

The dish does rely on a lot of non-local pantry staples that I have to grapple with to continue baking in my locavore adventures. For now, I'm satisfied to have featured these amazingly fresh beautiful berries in such a great way.

Reader Comments (2)

I would just like to say, as one of the lucky ones who got to eat this here crumble, that it was amazing. Yum, yum!

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnne

That's one thing I love about crumbles and compotes, they can be transformed and showcase any season's fruit with just a bit of tweaking. Local dinner parties are a great way to have fun and showcase all that the local area has to offer to others.

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMangochild

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